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The People of Israel are gathered around the base of Mount Sinai. Moses is climbing up. The top of the mountain is burning with fire and white smoke. The smoke comprises the letters of the Ten Commandments, which swirl and dance in the ether.

Receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai.


The image of the revelation at Sinai is one of the most often painted in the history of Jewish art, and religious art in general. I've tried to show the link between heaven and earth in the way the sky flows upwards and downwards. The blurring of distinction between the formative, or spiritual worlds, and the material world is shown by the way the letters of the Torah emerge from the sky into the picture plane.


This original piece of Jewish art is an acrylic painting on canvas board, and is available now as a high quality print on canvas. Eminently suitable as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah gift for Parshat Yitro, two sizes are available:


Small (30 x 20cm) at $60 + shipping, or

Medium (40x30cm) at $80 + shipping.


Click on my SHOP to order, or send me an e-mail.

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