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Throughout my school years in London, I adorned my excercise books with endless doodles of my "Dario-Gilmontine imagination" (as an English teacher quipped). I also drew at weekends and in the holidays, and eventually I was making paintings in gouache, illustrating Andre Gide and other writers, as well as stories from the Torah - my first attempts at creating a Jewish art. Thus I found my calling., and at 18 had my first professional commission to illustrate a book; Quy's Journey, about Vietnamese refugees escaping the war and settling in England..


I went on to study architecture, but also illustrated and cartooned in national newspapers both in the UK (The Independent, Daily Telegraph) and in Israel (The Jerusalem Post, Maariv), where I've been living since 1993. I've been working as an in-house illustrator and animator in educational publishing since 2000, but continue to paint at home in my studio, and regularly participate in exhibitions. The Children's Bible for Ariella Books is my first independent illustration project in many years, and is providing me with the opportunity to make a long-term, concerted effort at producing a large and stylistically consistent body of work in the field of Jewish art and Torah illustration.


School Doodle: Niki Lauda (circa 1975)

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