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Moses is placing the vessels in the Mishkan (sanctuary).

Parhsat Pekudei.



Moses is placing the vessels in the Mishkan. The Menorah, according to the Midrash, moved with divine assistance to its designated position, so Moshe is shown here just guiding it. However, for me this was a most labour-intensive painting, as you can imagine from the patterns on the cloth walls and ceiling.


This original piece of Jewish art is an acrylic painting on canvas board, and is available now as a high quality print on canvas. Eminently suitable as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah gift for Parshat Pekudei, two sizes are available:


Small (30 x 20cm) at $60 + shipping, or

Medium (40x30cm) at $80 + shipping.


Click on my SHOP to order, or send me an e-mail.

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